Saturday, March 30, 2019

🌸 Little Stitches April Newsletter 🌸

Little Stitches
April 2019 Newsletter

We are here to share with you new items and specials. Please note that all links to anything in this newsletter are at the bottom of each page if reading in pdf mode. PDF Mode

Here are some highlights from the last newsletter and you can still find them all at the links at the bottom of the page.
Premax Ringlockstraight.JPGkelmscottscissorshoes.jpgscissors508classic.jpg

$85.00 Current Sale Price $39.99


BGSD102cherry ontop.jpgJbuttonsnowday.jpgJbuttonbuttonbox.jpg

Gentle Art 10 Yard A Value Better Than 5 Yard $3.40 for 10yd vs $2.15 for 5yd
GAapricotblush.jpgGAcountryREdwood.jpggentleartendive.jpggentle art pecan pie.jpggentleartclover.jpggentleartadobe.jpggentleartcaramelcorn.jpggentleartchives.jpggentleartclaret.jpg



These scissors are great for cutting stick materials like tape and blocks of glue.

That's it for this newsletter look forward to the next one in late February, please email us any questions or requests at

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